DietPi Kodi no gui x86

Hi all

I’ve tried to install Kodi on my Dietpi x86 on HP t530 thin client but after reboot and trying to run ‘startkodi’ and autoboot into kodi, I get these errors as in the screenshot.

Can someone please help me troubleshoot as I regret I do not understand the error

Can you please fill the troubleshoot form?
And which desktop environment are you using?

Please see the form below and I am not using an Desktop/GUI presently, I had dietpi setup headless with access through SSH and then wanted to install KODI to change this to also be a media player not just server - do I need to install a Desktop/GUI first then?

Creating a bug report/issue

  • DietPi version | Version core=9, version sub = 3, version rc = 0, gitbranch = master, gitowner = MichaIng
  • Distro version | bookworm
  • Kernel version | Linux DietPi 6.1.0-20-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.85-1 (2024-04-11) x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Architecture | amd64
  • SBC model | Native PC (x86_64)
  • Power supply used | standard adapter for HP thin client T530
  • SD card used | N/a - 128 GB M2.

Additional Information (if applicable)

  • Software title | Kodi
  • Was the software title installed freshly or updated/migrated? Fresh install
  • Can this issue be replicated on a fresh installation of DietPi? Not attempted yet

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Kodi
  2. Error reported when running Kodi

Expected behaviour

  • Kodi loads

Actual behaviour

  • error as reported

Extra details

  • Setup dietpi originally as headless

It’s a media player with a GUI, so how would you access it without a desktop environment? Maybe only xserver is needed for execution, I’m not sure about that.
I’m wondering also why it did not install a DE when you tried to install kodi :thinking:

OK, I’ll try installing a DE and then kodi and report back soon


Installed LXDE and then Kodi, but same error. Cannot startkodi from ssh, nor LXDE. I get the following error trying to run LXDE from terminal over ssh, haven’t tried locally yet:

When you start it via ssh you would need to specify a display where it should run.
What happens when you start LXDE and try to start it from the desktop shortcut?


Same with LXDE, you would need to specify a display when you try to start the desktop via SSH.
Why do you use ssh at all? Kodi is a desktop app, you would need a monitor and keyboard / remote anyway to interact with kodi?!

I was trying to follow up this remotely through ssh. I’ll take a look at it later when I am at home with the machine locally connected to my tv

Thanks for your help, I’ll report back shortly

Same errors as before sadly:-(

EDit: fixed! installed xserver-xorg-video-fbdev and that allows to boot into desktop and or kodi, but resolution very low, so making progress!

You can try to change the resolution with dietpi-config.