It would be great if we could add the Wi-Fi and Hotspot IP addresses under LAN and WAN in the banner, as they are currently missing.
you could use the Custom banner entry
option and add a bash command like following to print the requested information.
ip -4 addr show wlan0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}'
And how I do that ? im not familiar with the Custom banner entry
Simply add it
run sudo dietpi-banner check number 10 and on next screen add what @Joulinar wrote.
I did it just an hour ago
Thanks da1k i did not know option 10 was a custom entry.
this is what i get with Joulinar command any idea why isnt working ? I also put my interfaces commands
The interface doesn’t seems to exist. For testing the bash command can be execution on CLI as well to verify it working.
Best to check availability of interfaces
ip a
I don’t see a wifi adapter, you are sure you have a working hotspot?
Everything’s working now! I just realized I forgot to replug my Wi-Fi USB dongle into my Pi… oops! thanks for your help guys !!