Cronjob + unwanted reboot

Creating a bug report/issue

I have searched the existing open and closed issues

Required Information


Additional Information (if applicable)

Raspi 5 // installed on Pimoroni NVMe Base 512 GB
Dietpi updated

Expected behaviour

shutdown -h now and power cut of by Shelly Smart plug S 5 mins later

Actual behaviour

Actually I have no idea from where the command comes for immediatly reboot. Is there anything within nextcloud ?

Tks for a hint :slight_smile:

@reboot means that that these cron jobs are execute at reboot. It’s not a command to reboot. crontab(5) - Linux manual page

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Tks, I did not know this :grinning:

something is still not ok with the cronjob for shutdown.
The idea is to shutdown the system @01:00 Hrs and 15 mins later power is cut off by a shelly plug S

As you can see the system changes the time and continues to do something until the power is switched off. With that I could life but when the system is started next morning the internet connection is not working. Not internally or externally. Quick solution in the morning is “power off & power on” and bingo everything works as planned.

Any idea ? Or more info’s needed ?


Is the system started together with your internet router?

The Cablebox/ Router runs 24/7

I forgot to mention that I have also a Raspi 4 which is setup more or less identical ( dietpi up to date , shutdown same time , power off with a shelly Plug ) and but
no problems