Chromium Kiosk Mode + VNC Server without Desktop-Manager?


i did a fresh dietpi-installation on Raspberry Pi 3B+ and tried Chromium Kiosk, it all works good, it shows my website.

I want also a vnc server (tiger vnc?) or some other possibility to check what the Pi is showing, is this possible without installing LXDE or some other DM? Whats the easiest way for this? I tried installing tigervnc (which brings lxde with it) but in kiosk mode i cannot connect or it does show a Desktop and Not the chromium kiosk

when i set autostart to desktop automatic login (with root or dietpi?), what would be the best way to start chromium kiosk (without showing mouse cursor) and also to be able to connect an check what the pi is showing on hdmi output?

i know there are some questions like this, but i did not unterstood the solutions given

many thanks in advance