Chromium AutoStart Command Line

LOVE DietPi, and really love the new option to launch Chromium directly, without having to start a desktop first. What I’m wondering is how I can modify or specify the command line used to launch Chromium when it’s configured as the autostart option.

I’m using DietPi to create a very limited kiosk on RPi3, and I’d like Chromium to start in kiosk mode, fullscreen, to a particular web page. I have the working command line to launch Chromium the way I want it, but when setting AutoStartTarget to 11 to launch Chromium with no desktop, I don’t see a way to specify the command line used for launch.

Is it possible to do this?



If you can provide us with the command line arguments to run in Kiosk mode, i’ll add that option into DietPi-Autostart and give you instructions to update the script :slight_smile:

Another option, edit the sourcecode as needed:

In /DietPi/dietpi/login

^^ Just bear in mind, updating DietPi will overwrite your changes as all scripts are replaced.

The command line will be something along the lines of

chromium --bwsi --disable-breakpad --kiosk --noerrdialogs <site>

Maybe it would be possible to adjust the autostart settings to allow specifying the command line?

I’ll try modifying the login script manually and see how that goes.


Great idea.

I’ll add a “custom” autostart option, that will launch a bash script in which you can put those command lines:

That will be awesome. Thank you!


All done, available in v150, but we can update the 2 scripts now with:

wget -O /DietPi/dietpi/login
wget -O /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-autostart

Then simply run and select “Custom”


Check out DietPi “dev” branch: DietPi/ at master · Fourdee/DietPi · GitHub

Or you have to wait until v.153 come out: DietPi/CHANGELOG.txt at dev · Fourdee/DietPi · GitHub

Thanks. In v153 autostart works fine!