Can't access nextcloud from LAN

We need the DNS server assigned

Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: +DefaultRoute LLMNR=resolve -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported

Current DNS Server:
DNS Servers: fe80::1
DNS Domain: home

ok these are the DNS server shown on your screen print. Means they can be configured.

If you like, you could install PiHole as local DNS server. Most of the components like WebServer and PHP are already installed.

But I think I will have the same problem.


  • Dietpi PiHole
  • Computer
  • Router (bridge)
  • TVā€¦

Should not be the pihole before the switch?

Also, can i install Pi-Hole but donĀ“t block anything? There are more people using the network and they wouldnt know how to whitelist something in case pihole block something they need.

Doesnā€™t matter where PiHole is located. It is not routing any traffic. It will answer to DNS request from every client inside the local network. Of course you can use PiHole without any blocking. Or you simply exclude devices from using the blocking feature. Itā€™s up to you. But using default block list will not cause issues and even if there is stuff to whitelist, you will do this once and not on daily basis. I have not touched my whitelist for nearly a year. And no complain from the family. Personally I donā€™t want to miss that anymore.

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Ok, right now Iā€™m using Adguard DNS on my router that blocks I guess the same stuff than PIhole so, not big difference.

Would it be too much to ask for some steps once I have the pihole running?

EDIT: Will I be able to use inside my LAN too? Thatā€™s the point all of this.

Thatā€™s the aim of the whole exercise

Using PiHole locally will give way more flexibility compared to Adguard DNS configuration within your router.

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A post was split to a new topic: PiHole question