Cannot Install WiFi and TOR Hotspot - WiFi Adaptor Detected: Failed

Creating a bug report/issue

I have been looking for some answers to this but can’t find the fix.

I am using a Raspberry Pi3 B.

I am trying to install WiFi and TOR Hotspot, but it won’t pass the initial checks, keeps saying WiFi Adaptor Detected: Failed

I am accessing the Pi via ssh over LAN, the Pi is connected to the router via an Ethernet cable.
I have tried going into dietpi-config and activating WiFi.

Any help please?

Did you reboot the system after activating on board wifi?

Yep - rebooted and tried again, no joy.

What is the status of the internal WiFi adapter if you open dietpi-config? And can you check ip -a if wlan0 adapter is shown.

dietpi-config / Network Options: Adapters

Ethernet : Available | [On] | Disconnected
WiFi : Not Found | [On] | Disconnected
Onboard WiFi : [Off]

IPv6 : [On]
Proxy : [Off]
Test : [Off]

Entering ip -a at the command prompt simply returns the usage of the ip command and -a is not listed?

So I turned WiFi On and rebooted

Now the WiFi and Ethernet check part of WiFi and TOR Hotspot works, but when I run the install option from dietpi-software it falls over when it tries to access the first web repository:

Err:1 bookworm InRelease
Temporary failure resolving ''

I then opened a web browser and I can access the Internet.

Also - not sure if I originally set the DietPi up correctly as the command prompt is dietpi@DietPi:~$ and I have to type root a lot at the start of most command (like root dietp-config). Shoul I be booting as the root user?

Yes, login as root or use sudo command.

You have problem with domain resolution, what are your DNS settings on the device? Do you get it via DHCP or do you use stuff like PiHole/unbound?

Sorry should be ip a without -

You stil have DNS issues? On the DietPi system itself?

Usually root user is preferred for such special activities.