I have been looking for some answers to this but can’t find the fix.
I am using a Raspberry Pi3 B.
I am trying to install WiFi and TOR Hotspot, but it won’t pass the initial checks, keeps saying WiFi Adaptor Detected: Failed
I am accessing the Pi via ssh over LAN, the Pi is connected to the router via an Ethernet cable.
I have tried going into dietpi-config and activating WiFi.
Ethernet : Available | [On] | Disconnected
WiFi : Not Found | [On] | Disconnected
Onboard WiFi : [Off]
IPv6 : [On]
Proxy : [Off]
Test : [Off]
Entering ip -a at the command prompt simply returns the usage of the ip command and -a is not listed?
So I turned WiFi On and rebooted
Now the WiFi and Ethernet check part of WiFi and TOR Hotspot works, but when I run the install option from dietpi-software it falls over when it tries to access the first web repository:
I then opened a web browser and I can access the Internet.
Also - not sure if I originally set the DietPi up correctly as the command prompt is dietpi@DietPi:~$ and I have to type root a lot at the start of most command (like root dietp-config). Shoul I be booting as the root user?