I only started on this, this afternoon after a friend recommended I re-visit DietPi - when I last looked it was Pi only - and not that good - now - well, I’m getting excited.

So observations. I’ve installed the NEO version - might be NEO specific - might not - after installing my own stuff including Node-Red etc, all of which is working a treat - I decided to check out the software you can install at the press of a button…

  1. LINUX DASH - at first when I put the URL in - nothing - a quick check - and it has been loaded into /var/www - it SHOULD be loaded into /var/www/html - I moved the directory and it appears to work a treat - problem solved but you might want to fix that.

  2. NETDATA - the installation went fine - and at the end the report said everything had worked - but that NETDATA had FAILED. In fact as far as I can see it is absolutely fine…

That - and an observation - the RPI hardware stuff - there is somerthing called WIRINGOP - I’ve used it and it gives access to IO pins on the non-Pi boards - if anyone is clever enough to recompile this for the various boards - so that AT LAST these board have accurate pin-mapped IO - that would be SUCH a boon for those who are not using Raspberry PIs…

Up to now - my brief experience says this looks exceedingly good - I hope my contributions above are useful.



Hi Pete,

Thanks for letting us know.

I’ll run the same tests on my NEO today, hopefully see if we can replicate and track these issues you experienced. I’ll be in touch.


  1. LINUX DASH - at first when I put the URL in - nothing - a quick check - and it has been loaded into /var/www - it SHOULD be loaded into /var/www/html - I moved the directory and it appears to work a treat - problem solved but you might want to fix that.

As per our documentation, Linux dash URL is http://IPADDRESS/linuxdash.
I ran a test and confirmed this is working with LinuxDash + NanoPi Neo + Lighttpd (default). Did you use a choose/run Linux Dash on a webserver different to Lighttpd (the default)?

  1. NETDATA - the installation went fine - and at the end the report said everything had worked - but that NETDATA had FAILED. In fact as far as I can see it is absolutely fine…

Good spot! :slight_smile:

This is fine, no PID exists for NetData during the installation, because it isn’t started. So when DietPi-Services stops all services at that point, NetData service from systemctl will return a failure (more of a warning).
DietPi controls services during installation. Some programs require services to be started in order for us to configure it (eg: MySQL DB additions), others require the services to be stopped else our changes wont be applied.


I’ve heard of WiringPi, but not OP. Is this the same software, and/or, can you provide some links or information for this so we can take a look?

That explains a lot… I have my own script which installs Apache/PHP/SQLITE/MOSQUITTO/NODEJS/NODE-RED and a load of nodes…

So I use your setup minus the setup for Apache and then run my script - which ALMOST gives me what I need. The Apache setup that I’ve used since Jessie came out has always put stuff in /var/www/html (though why I don’t know - personally I think /var/html makes far more sense).

The only other thing I’m struggling with is Mosquitto - which simply won’t run on power up but will run manually - even though Webmin shows a startup script.

Other than the above everything seems to work.

Here are some links…

My script which sets up loads of programs to make a working Node-Red setup - just tested it - the only issue being the Mosquitto start-up which I’m sitting looking at now… is here.


and that is all about Node-Red ESP home control which is featured here…


My goal is to get setups for as many different types of SBC as possible and I’m hoping that DIETPI can now help with this - well done for getting it this far !!! I’d just about given up getting WIFI working on the NEO.

Incidentally when setting up the NEO with Ethernet - with a WIFI dongle plugged in - when setting the WIFI - your script says to wait - well it never comes back and you have to reboot without the Ethernet card in - something off there - but overall the result is excellent.

For WIRINGOP (Orange Pi) this works for the NEO and other boards - but the pins are all wrong - they stop you using the PWM because the pin is different etc. If someone could get to grips with this - and alter it for different boards - that would be absolutely magical…


Right now you can use the GPIO program from Node-Red without having to use root (EXEC NODE) to get simple GPIO control - but you have to figure out the pins the hard way - I did this here before discovering DIETPI…


If I can get MOSQUITTO sorted I’ll re-write that article to use DietPi instead because of the better WIFI - and the extra items you’ve put into this.