Best VPN for Dietpi?

I personally use for almost 3 years. It is more expensive - $90 for 2 years is the best they offer now (while I pay less, as long-time user), and my experience with them over the years has been stellar.
Links: non-ref | ref

Choice of VPN provider depends on a lot of factors, and in the end you either put your trust in them or you don’t. My main priority was/is zero-logging. has good policies and adequate jurisdiction (Romania) making it believable that they do not keep logs and are not obliged to hand any information on their customers to third parties. E.g. in comparison PureVPN keeps logs according to wikipedia article, and while I fly well under the radar of government agencies, I personally would not use a VPN service that is known to keep logs and collaborate.

p.s. would be nice if others post their experience with VPN providers here - I’m sure there’s more than 2 people on this forum using and/or interested in using ready-made VPN services.

I’ve been using for a couple years now, and I’m absolutely satisfied by it. I’ve used it in China without issues, for example.