Banana Pi M2+ image update


I just discovered DietPi and as I will receive a Banana Pi M2+ I want to know if you finally fixed the beta problems.
Otherwise when it will be done :wink:

Sincerely thanks and have a nice day,

Miguipda :wink:


BPi M2+ is still in beta.
Onboard wifi is not functional at this time. Aside from that, all should be good. Kernel updates are now provided by apt-get upgrade (via ARMbian packages). So be sure to check and upgrade them.

If you get any issues or find a bug, let us know and we’ll fix it :slight_smile:


if DetPi is based on a ARMbian (like you talked about for update) I am surprised your image does not support wifi because ARMbian has a functional WiFi Then it is why I ask you when will you fix this problem ?

Sincerely thanks.

Miguipda :wink:


Internal WiFi? No, it doesn’t:

Welcome to ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.112-sun8i

root@bananapim2plus:~# iwlist wlan0 scan
wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning.

root@bananapim2plus:~# modprobe ap6212
modprobe: FATAL: Module ap6212 not found.
root@bananapim2plus:~# modprobe ap6210
modprobe: FATAL: Module ap6210 not found.

Hmm … have you tried this? (package name is actually armbian-firmware and not linux-firmware as stated in title)