Automated backup

I found Dietpi Backup today - very useful thank you.

I wonder if there is a way of creating a Cron job to keep, say 3, backup sets on a drive? Grateful for your advice


Hi John,

You can instigate a backup with:

dietpi-backup 1

This will simply run the backup using current settings as defined in GUI.
Although, bear in mind, DietPi will stop all services before the backup starts, then restart them after completion.

Backup sets are only supported inside the main app (eg: by changing the backup/restore location as needed). However, you can change the backup location before running the above command in /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-backup_settings (FP_TARGET_BACKUP=), just be cautions doing this and ensuring paths are correct.

what is the command for new cron job in webmin for dietpi-backup 1 ?