I have one Pie with PiVPN installed and it is installing all the Linux updates automatically.
Another one just displays the new updates in the banner and I have to run the update command manually.
Where is the setting to auto-update? Can’t find or remember where. I think when I installed PiVPN there was a question to enable auto-update.
Just to avoid a misunderstanding. PiVPN will install software package unattended-upgrades in addition! This is a behaviour of PiVPN and has no relation to DietPi functions UnattendedUpgrades - Debian Wiki
On DietPi we use our own script to check for updates. It’s more lightweight as no additional software component will be needed. This as well explains why it is active on one system but not on the other.
And to disable it?
Simply uninstall unattended-upgrades if it is the software package installed by PiVPN
# DietPi checks for updates: Allows DietPi to check for updates on a daily basis and boot using a less 1 KiB file download.
# DietPi checks for updates: Allows DietPi to check for updates on a daily basis and boot using a less 1 KiB file download.
# Daily check for APT package updates: 0=disable | 1=check only | 2=check and upgrade automatically
# - Upgrade logs can be found at: /var/tmp/dietpi/logs/dietpi-update_apt.log
and deleted CONFIG_CHECK_APT_UPDATES=2 from the end of the file.
not sure what you mean but in the file shared, there was just a single line containing CONFIG_CHECK_APT_UPDATES=2. Which is totaly fine if you like to update apt packages automatically. Doesn’t matter if it is at the end of the file or somewhere in the middle.