I would like there to be more apps in dietpi-software, for example: in the games part: rogue, moria, nethack, tetris, ninvaders, moon buggy and several others. In the web part: w3m, lynx and others. There could also be Ranger (even though it has the standard file explorer), could have a drawing/painting app. I don’t know if this is very difficult, but if it did I would really like it!
Feel free to participate and implement them into DietPi:
Can you explain to me how I can do this, and I don’t understand much of this, if you explain it to me I will be very grateful
Learn bash, understand the DietPi scripts and make commits on github
I mean if you don’t have experience already with Linux / bash and a bit of git, then I don’t see a point that you can handle this in a reasonable amount of time.
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There is a first docu to step into the software integration: How to add a new software title · MichaIng/DietPi Wiki · GitHub
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