Ampache Changes


I’m installing Amapche on a fresh installation of DietPi_RPi-ARMv7-Bullseye.7z and following the instructions for running it, and I get the following message:

The root Ampache folder has changed to ./public

I click on the ‘public’ link and get taken to a mandatory update page which says:

This page handles all database updates to Ampache starting with Your current version is 5.2.0-release with database version 400023

The following updates need to be performed

I click on the update button at the bottom of the page and get ‘404 Not Found’.

My URL at this point is:




thx for information. There seems to be a major change on Ampache 5.0

Means we would need to adjust our installation method and docs accordingly

You could try to fix it as follow

G_CONFIG_INJECT 'web_path[[:blank:]]+=' 'web_path = "/ampache/public"' /var/www/ampache/config/ampache.cfg.php
dietpi-services restart

URL to be open would be http://XXX.XXX.X.XX/ampache/public now


thank you. This solution works.

I know there is a new version of dietpi with a change to ampache, but I installed my Raspi with dietpi version 8.0 three weeks ago :slight_smile:

By the way: DietPi is absolutly amazing :smiley: MANY MANY THANKS!


usually we integrated a migration path with DietPi 8.1 if you run Apache reinstall. But it’s fine to have it running this way as well.