14 December 2021 09:54
Hello how I can update amiberry to last version?
usually it should work to reinstall
dietpi-software reinstall 108
14 December 2021 13:34
but do i need to do some backups first?
do you forgive the configurations?
Usually configuration should not be overwritten. But running a backup before is always recommend.
14 December 2021 13:48
sorry but i have another question, i downloaded dietpie for arm7 with amiberry, but i installed it on an RPI4 with 4Gb of ram with arm8 architecture.
with the command dietpi-software reinstall 108 you automatically install the correct version for rpi4?
arm7 means 32bit and the installation script will respect this.
14 December 2021 14:18
arm7 it’s Raspberyy pi 4?
Be careful mixing thinks. Just because the RPI4 is capable to run ARMv8 aarch64, dosne’t mean you need to run a 64bit image explicitly. You can easily run ARMv6 or ARMv7 images on RPI4. The installation script will correctly detecte the running OS version.
14 December 2021 14:55
ok thanks when I get home I execute that terminal command you indicated to me earlier.
Thank you
14 December 2021 17:23
strange I ran the command
dietpi-software reinstall 108 however did not install amiberry version 4.1.6.
Because binary is loaded from our server and they are fixed one as they are pre compiled. They might need to be updated in this case.
14 December 2021 17:33
can you tell me what to do?
You can’t do anything. You need to wait. I will talk to our developer. Be patient pls.
14 December 2021 18:07
ok of course I’ll wait.
thank you very much
Just following on from this thread. Can you please advise when the latest Amiberry will be available on DietPi? I believe it is currently 4.1.5, but Amiberry 5.1 is now available.
Many thanks
Welcome to our comunity.
An update will become available on next release
← MichaIng:amiberry
opened 04:13PM - 08 May 22 UTC
- DietPi-Software | Amiberry: Updated to latest version 5.1 and shipped now as D… EB package. Also the included libSDL2 libraries have been updated to latest stable versions.
Related discussion: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/discussions/5083
Thank you
That’s excellent news! Is there a date for that yet please?
Many thanks
Of course. It’s planned to be released on the upcoming weekend
opened 05:41PM - 01 May 22 UTC
closed 08:49PM - 19 Jun 22 UTC
Iteration Plan
## Day 0: Init new development cycle
To be done until: `2022-05-01`
- [x] Crea… te a new GitHub milestone for DietPi code https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/milestones
- [x] Create a new GitHub milestone for DietPi doc https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi-Docs/milestones
- [x] Select issues for the new iteration in the new milestone
- [x] Create a new section in the [DietPi Wiki](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/wiki/Iteration-plans)
- [x] A new development cycle starts with a subversion increment, or major version increment when we drop support for an old Debian version or old DietPi versions. The RC version during the development cycle is "-1", to clearly identify unstable version strings.
- [x] Init [`CHANGELOG.md`](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.txt)
- [x] Add support to [DietPi-Survey_report](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/blob/dev/.meta/dietpi-survey_report)
## 3rd week: Beta phase
To be done until: `2022-05-21`
- [x] Merge live patches from `master` and remove in `dev`.
- [x] Create [pull requests](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi-Docs/pulls) for all [required documentation changes](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi-Docs/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A"Next+DietPi+release"):
To be done at: `2022-05-21`
- [x] Launch the initial beta as `.0` RC version
- [x] Advertise on GitHub
- [x] Advertise on [DietPi Forum](https://dietpi.com/forum/c/version-history/6)
- [x] Advertise on DietPi-Banner [MOTD](https://dietpi.com/motd)
To be done at: `2022-05-22`
- [x] Advertise on website slider: https://dietpi.com/
- [x] Advertise on Twitter ([DietPi account](https://twitter.com/DietPi_))
- [x] Advertise on Facebook ([DietPi group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/167403007229675))
To be done from: `2022-05-22` - `2022-05-26`
- [x] Address bug reports with further beta iterations, e.g. `.1` and `.2` RC versions
## 2 days before the release
To be done until: `2022-05-26`
- [x] Have a release PR open on the main repo which needs to be linked from the [changelog](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/blob/dev/CHANGELOG.txt)/release notes.
- [x] Assure that [update server version](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/dev/beta/.update/version) and [DietPi-Globals default version](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/blob/dev/dietpi/func/dietpi-globals) match.
- [x] Have the docs release PR ready and reviewed, with release notes and required changes merged into dev already.
- [x] Have a PR on the website ready to advertise the new release via website slide and have the docs PRs all ready and reviewed.
## Release
To be done at: `2022-05-28`
- [x] Make the release
- [x] Publish the release notes in [DietPi Docs](https://dietpi.com/docs/releases/)
- [x] Link the release notes from [website slider](https://dietpi.com/)
- [x] Mention the release notes in [DietPi Forum](https://dietpi.com/forum/c/version-history/6)
- [x] Update the [MOTD](https://dietpi.com/motd)
- [x] Update software list in [DietPi Wiki](https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/wiki/DietPi-Software-list)
## Release announcements
To be done at: `2022-05-29`
- [x] Publish on Twitter ([DietPi account](https://twitter.com/DietPi_))
- [x] Publish on several Facebook groups (e.g. [DietPi group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/167403007229675))
- [x] Announce on [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/)
- [x] Forge and spread a press release
- [x] Determine if a hotfix release is needed
- [x] Create a new release plan
1 September 2022 19:04
have install Amiberry Update from 4.1.3 to 5.3, have do diet-software reinstall 108, after that new Version is on my pi400. Have a mice Problem when the Emulation is running. The Arrow pins on the left upper Corner and does nothing.
Before the update the emulation ran ok, after the update the mouse can no longer be moved. In Amberry Gui, the mouse works flawlessly. I contacted Midwan, he said it could be an SDL issue. The correct SDL 2.24.0 can be seen under About. What could be the problem here. Can someone kindly help me or maybe even know the solution? Have a nice evening everyone