WWW server - WordPress

Hello .
I’m working on a website .
i’v installed diet pi LAMP Webserver - Apache2 / MySql / PHP

I want to make website using WordPress - is it compatible ? how to install it dietpi odroid software ?

I’v got also question about domain - i bought domain name - but i want to make server (hosting) at home @ odroid. Could someone help me how to link it ? i would appreciate. :mrgreen:

Hi Marg,

Yes its compatible with LAMP and LASP. We have a installation option in dietpi-software for wordpress that will install and configure it for you: (resolved) Cannot log in to the MySQL server

I’v got also question about domain - i bought domain name - but i want to make server (hosting) at home @ odroid. Could someone help me how to link it ? i would appreciate. > :mrgreen:

You will need to point your domain name to your internet IP address. You can check your internet IP address with:

Your IP address is most likely dynamic. This means it will always change at some point in the future (could be days or weeks at atime).
If you want to always point your domain name to your IP address, you should take a look at NoIp Plus Managed DNS: No-IP: Use Remote Access and DDNS to Easily Connect to Your Internet Connected Devices From Anywhere, Anytime

You can setup the NoIp client on your device by running dietpi-config, networking options and selecting NoIp from the menu. This will install NoIp and ask you to input your NoIp details. Once completed, your device will automatically update your internet IP address to the domain name your using.

Hi Marg,

… and finally, for IPv4, forward with your internet router Port 80/443 to LAN address of your DietPi device. Or using router DMZ zone/host, if router support this.

Thank You guys for fast respond.

You will need to point your domain name to your internet IP address. You can check your internet IP address with

This far i know it :slight_smile: but the question is - how should i do it ? It need to be done from DOMAIN PROVIED site ? or on the apache/wordpress site ?

I missed WordPress in dietpi soft :mrgreen: -it’s there- i’m blind…

I’ll try as u said.

Using DMZ/Forwarding making server endangered for attacks.
Do You have any advice about security ? How to make it more secure?

Should i install Fail2ban ? or any other security software.