Writing to /var/www and other questions

I’m not sure what you mean by blocker. If you mean “reason why this isn’t feasible”, then things like SASS, etc.

You would need to ensure write permission for the group > www-data > on the directory

Hmm, how do I do that? Things are getting a bit messy…

I got it to work (somewhat):
I created a subdirectory and made the remote user the owner: chown markstar: /var/www/test/

However, despite markstar being in www-data (see above), chown www-data: /var/www/test/ did NOT work. Strange…

So I guess question solved, despite me still not understanding why www-data doesn’t work.

Also, despite markstar being able to create files and folders in the directory, the user can’t change its name, which I also find strange.

Either way, would have been nice to easily add users to groups and manage access to directories like that.