I never configured a serial console, UART or something like that, but you will get the important points here:
- Enable serial console with dietpi-config should already do all steps for you, but to be sure:
- Verify that /DietPi/config.txt contains the line enable_uart=1.
- Verify that /DietPi/dietpi.txt contains the line CONFIG_SERIAL_CONSOLE_ENABLE=1.
- NEVER do systemctl disable getty@tty1.service as TTY1 is always needed as fallback login console. You might be left without the possibility to login
- It seems cmdline does not need to contain anything about that, as UART entry in config.txt seems to replace it (as far as I understand dietpi-config code…). console=serial0,115200 should be not present within the file, as we disable serial console by default (and remove the line by this).
- Disabling BT seems to be recommended. Jep just do it as well via dietpi-config.
- What you mean by /dev? Which entry in which file?