Unifi controller installer

Fair enough. Guessing i will just have to research how to code it in 2.4 to make it work. Found
So will start working with that

Probably some volunteers or 3rd parties offer or even maintain newer binaries or packages.

Quick search reveals that the official repo for Ubuntu ships ARMv8/aarch64 packages, hence working on our 64-bit RPi images: https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu/dists/focal/mongodb-org/4.4/multiverse/
Those were build by Ubuntu maintainer it seems: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/mongodb

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share that I’m running the UniFi Controller on a Pi Zero W, and it’s running well.

I followed the steps listed in this guide:

Make sure that you make the suggested edits in baz123’s comment above.

There’s also a handy guide on updating the controller:

Hope it’s useful to someone else trying to install this on a Pi & DietPi.

Going with JAVA version 8 and a Debian Stretch MongoDB is not really something I would recommend. It’s a shame for Unifi not being able to provide up-to-date software version. Or at least a version that is able to run on ARM based SBC without beeing forced to use that old software packages.

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Reviving this old topic, hope it can help!
Just published this guide about deploying the newer unifi network application.