Ubooquity Update

Hey guys,
I don’t have/want a GitHub account, so I just wanted to say say: Ubooquity installs out-of-date version 2.1.1. Version 2.1.2 can be downloaded from their website:
Any chance to add this version to DietPi? It’s working fine, but manual updating sucks. :slight_smile:


many thanks for your request. I will talk to the developer to have the jar file uploaded to our install server.

Version 2.1.2 - 14 october 2018

Update done: https://github.com/MichaIng/DietPi/pull/3605
Also with current DietPi the new version will be installed now as it has been replaced on our server.

My Ubooquity still says v6.1.1 on the About page, and there’s a banner at the top informing me that a new version is available, but dietpi-update changes nothing - the same 6.1.1 version is still there after the “update”.

DietPi-Update usually does not include software updates, only APT packages and the ones where an important security or compatibility change needs to be applied. To update Ubooquity, force a DietPi-Software reinstall:

dietpi-software reinstall 80

I’ll add this information to our online docs (and the new documentation site): https://dietpi.com/forum/t/dietpi-software-details-for-all-installation-options/22/119