TorrServer instalation guide

Torrent streaming server.
Watch torrents online.

Install guide of TorrServer for DietPi on RaspberryPi 4.
Based on

  1. create a directory for TorrServer
mkdir /opt/torrserver
  1. change owner to user/group dietpi
chown -R dietpi:dietpi /opt/torrserver
  1. download TorrServer
wget -O /opt/torrserver/torrserver
  1. add execute permission
chmod o+x /opt/torrserver/torrserver
  1. create a service file
echo -e '[Unit]\nDescription=torrserver\\\n\n[Service]\nType=simple\nNonBlocking=true\nWorkingDirectory=/opt/torrserver\nExecStart=/opt/torrserver/torrserver --p 8090\nRestart=on-failure\nRestartSec=30\n\n[Install]\' | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/torrserver.service > /dev/null
  1. export some variable
export GODEBUG=madvdontneed=1
  1. reload systemctl daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
  1. create initial config database and start TorrServer
touch /opt/torrserver/config.db
chmod 777 /opt/torrserver/config.db
systemctl start torrserver
  1. Test it open browser: http://YOUR-DIETPI-IP:8090/
  2. check TorrServer status
systemctl status torrserver
  1. If it works good enable service to start on boot
systemctl enable torrserver

Many thanks for sharing. I did some re-formatting, hope you are fine with this.

It looks better now.