Tinker Board boot loop

Ok. My Tinker Board is on boot loop.

I have used it as magic mirror for a while now and after power loss it is doing constant boot loop.

keyboard seems to be dead even it is found.

Also no networking on wifi or eth. Boot message is saying that eth0 is found and cable connected.

Any good ideas of solving this?

Attached boot messages just before reboot.

Hmm, not sure about those “currently busy, trying anyway” issues on USB and Ethernet devices, and then sending request to the USB device (keyboard) times out. The messages are during kernel boot stage, hence systemd has not yet been initialised, hence the issue must be within kernel/bootloader/firmware files.

Please try to plug the SDcard into an external Linux system and run some fsck on it. Very likely the power loss lead to some data corruption, sadly within this important part.