[SOLVED] dnsmasq as DHCP server crash under Jessie

I won’t complain about anything anymore, and just go to the official Raspbian if I have issues with my projects.

Constructive criticism is great. A wall of text post blaming DietPi for your inability to fully understand and follow a guide is not. You hit a brick wall after playing with configuration files you did not fully understand and instantly blamed DietPi.

My worry is you will hit another brick wall on the Official Raspbian image at some point, then instead of trying to understand the issue, you will simply blame Raspbian and start using another distro.

Trying to set the static IP directly on /etc/network/interfaces on DietPi didn’t work (neither) because dnsmasq got a sigterm signal from somewhere that killed it.

This has never been reported by any DietPi users who have installed PiHole. It sounds like you broke dnsmasq by failing to understand what you were actually doing in the configuration files.

There are multiple methods to set networking configurations on linux systems. The way DietPi does it has been used for many years and is still considered “the right way”.
Your inability to set a static IP is beyond me. We even created a networking tool in DietPi-Config that does this for you. Maybe you should read the source code to understand how DietPi (and most linux users) achieve this.

yesterday morning I couldn’t install NGINX on DietPi (I got an error)

I’ve created a Git ticket for this and will look into it. Appears there are dependency issues: