can be done using drive manager
SWAP in itself is not a good idea as it slows down the system. Rather, you should look at what exactly is using your memory. And if this is all ok, it would be better in the long term to use a system with more physical memory.
Well, I tried htop and screencapped, not sure if this tells you something but my impression is that it’s empty that’s being something of a resource hog.
you can check memory usage for the top 20 processes
ps aux --sort=-rss | awk '{printf "%-10s %-6s %-8s %-8.2f %-10s %s\n", $1, $2, $3, $6/1024, $4, $11}' | head -n 20
Okay, here are the results. Like I guess it looks like emby is something of a hog.
emby 91532 1.2 186.43 19.4 /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer
netdata 91540 3.1 160.34 16.7 /usr/sbin/netdata
mysql 91294 0.0 91.22 9.5 /usr/sbin/mariadbd
roonbri+ 91770 0.2 74.22 7.7 RoonBridgeHelper
roonbri+ 91785 0.3 45.47 4.7 RAATServer
roonbri+ 91521 0.0 41.18 4.3 RoonBridge
mpd 91437 0.0 38.00 3.9 /usr/bin/mpd
squeeze+ 91488 0.1 21.25 2.2 /usr/bin/squeezelite
dietpi 92066 0.2 18.32 1.9 /usr/sbin/smbd
root 91251 0.0 17.38 1.8 /usr/sbin/smbd
root 91322 0.0 17.38 1.8 php-fpm:
gmediar+ 91496 0.1 12.68 1.3 /usr/bin/gmediarender
root 91253 0.0 11.56 1.2 /usr/sbin/smbd
root 91240 0.0 11.38 1.1 /usr/sbin/nmbd
shairpo+ 91465 0.6 8.62 0.9 /usr/local/bin/shairport-sync
www-data 91333 0.0 7.66 0.8 php-fpm:
www-data 91335 0.0 7.66 0.8 php-fpm:
www-data 91338 0.0 7.66 0.8 php-fpm:
www-data 91339 0.0 7.66 0.8 php-fpm:
Well, sorry for repeating myself but it seems we know what the problem is and how to fix it. If this continues I’ll buy a new Raspberry Pi with more ram. Thanks for helping me out!
It would be better to use ZSwap…you will have HUGE amounts of writes/reads to the USB/SSD externally with a “swapfile”
Emby is probably chewing up the memory…do you have hardware encoding enabled…it is probably tying to keep the encoded files in /tmp (which is memory space)
A media server with only a gig of RAM is going to struggle…
And a SBC (single board computer) is going to have limited RAM available…