Rock64 Wifi Module

There is a newer version of 8812au driver – 5.2.20, I think it is the newest. If you know there is a newer one, please let me know.

To compile and install it:

  1. If you have old rtl8812au installed, please remove it first. Leave no trace of it :slight_smile:
    sudo rmmod 8812au
    go to the path where 8812au.ko is installed
    sudo rm 8812au.ko
  2. Install build-essential from Dietpi-software(Looks like Dietpi-software is not able to install a complete build-essential, you need to install it with :sudo apt-get install build-essential)
  3. Install git from dietpi-software
  4. git clone
  5. apt-get download linux-headers-4.4.77-rockchip-ayufan-136
  6. mkdir header
  7. dpkg -x linux-headers-4.4.77-rockchip-ayufan-136_0.5.15_arm64.deb header
  8. cd header/usr/src
  9. sudo mv linux-headers-4.4.77-rockchip-ayufan-136/ /usr/src/.
  10. cd
  11. cd rtl8812au
  12. ARCH=arm64 make
  13. sudo ARCH=arm64 make install
  14. Reboot and it should work now.