Read/Write access denied with mounted drives?

finch_6 Fourdee
I found a solution :sunglasses::

sed -i 's/,iocharset=utf8,vers=/,iocharset=utf8,uid=dietpi,gid=dietpi,file_mode=0770,dir_mode=0770,vers=/g' /etc/fstab
umount /mnt/samba
mount -a
ls -al /mnt/samba

NB: Replace /mnt/samba with the actual mount location.
The above sets user (uid) and group (gid), as well as global file and directory permissions for the whole samba share.
dietpi:dietpi 770 should allow r/w access for Sonarr and such, as these software titles run as their own user, but as dietpi group.
umount and remount is needed to apply the changes, then check via ls -al.
Somehow external guides mention that as well Samba server side there need to be changes done, but it worked here to create a totally new user, set it as uid+gid, remount and access + create files with this user within the mount.

I think we should set this as default for samba mounts, to allow access for our download and media software?
I am going to find out how to achieve the same for nfs mounts.