RDP Black Screen


ok let’s try to sort the topics

  1. You need to use Xvnc because you are trying to connect to a VNC server (TigerVNC) :wink:
  2. You are not able to reconnect because you are hit by a Debian Bug
  3. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=932499
  4. https://github.com/TigerVNC/tigervnc/issues/800
  5. As far as I have seen some bugfix was created 2 days ago. But I don’t know how log it will take before reaching the Debian software package
  6. However there is a workaround described on the Debian Bug tracker
nano /usr/local/bin/vncserver

Adjust following line by adding LD_PRELOAD=/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgcc_s.so.1

$BINARY_FP :${DISPLAY:-1} -geometry ${WIDTH:-1280}'x'${HEIGHT:-720} -depth ${DEPTH:-16} || exit 1

like this

LD_PRELOAD=/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libgcc_s.so.1 $BINARY_FP :${DISPLAY:-1} -geometry ${WIDTH:-1280}'x'${HEIGHT:-720} -depth ${DEPTH:-16} || exit 1

save the file and restart the VNC server

systemctl restart vncserver.service
  1. currently I don’t know why you a running into the initial 5 minutes timeout. For me it looks like that your xrdp is trying to connect right from the beginning to a Xorg session. But usually it should display the selection screen first. :thinking: Even on my test I was not able to replicate this behaviour.
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