Pi3 Audio: Hint for DIY ES9018K2M I2S Decoder Boards..

Alsa stream cmd we use

cat /proc/asound/card*/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params

i guess/read Dietpi changes just the alsa-configurations to 384khz…

We patch ALSA for 384KHz in our kernel, and we patched pcm5102a codec to 384KHz used by some dtoverlays.

where can i do that by myself ? or is the rpi-dac dtoverlay limited to 192 khz ? (can i modify the dtoverlay by myself ?)

If its limited in the dtoverlay/codec/driver, a patch + kernel re-compile would be needed.

and another thing is (as suggestion) why is gvfs-backends not in the standard install ? are there, for me, any unkonwn disadvantages ?

Should be fine without it. DietPi will always install required packages during software installs, as needed.

no, bought the 2 on ebay->

Nice, and cheap aswell! Will see about getting one ordered.