ODroid C2 no wifi after update to 6.15

Updated it today and upon reboot, no wifi any more. From dietpi-config, I can see that the wifi and Ethernet both are on but none of them are able to get any IP. Please help.

This issue is similar enough that the temp solution might help you as well.


Check here: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/2070

The image is for Tinkerboard. I guess we have to wait for next release?

i have the same problem for the eth0… static or dhcp not work after upgrade… and… don’t want to reinstall all the system…
any idea?

Please fourdee… it’s deat or alive problem :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Do’t reinstall, it will have the same problem. I think we have to wait for the next release.

Guys, I believe you face a different issue than the linked one. I am actually not even sure, if the linked one really is a bug or was a temporary/configuration issue.

I guess you all have a Debian Jessie image, right?
To test run echo $G_DISTRO_NAME
Then this should be the issue you face: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/2075

  • Due to some strange init.d networking script dependency it is not possible to have a custom systemd unit running before networking, but after root/boot mounts.
  • The new dietpi-preboot service is configured to that exactly that, which leads to systemd resolving the dependency loop by removing networking from startup query.

I just tested and could verify, that manually starting the networking service during boot just works fine. Please only do that if your system is really Jessie, otherwise the issue is a different one and the below can’t fix it:

sed -i '/[[:blank:]]Workaround_WiFi$/a\\t\tsystemctl start networking' /DietPi/dietpi/boot
  • This adds manual networking service start to our DietPi boot script.

i can confirm my C2 has the same issues.

Big network problems both WiFi and Ethernet. Mine stopped connecting after I installed MPD and it rebooted.

Even getting it to boot and recognize the Ethernet connection is a hit and miss situation. For a sanity check I installed a different OS and the wifi and ethernet worked.

Love the Tinker board, I’m almost even considering using it as a backup desktop computer…its just that fast.


The above command (adding manual networking service start to DietPi boot script) does not work for you?

We fixed an Jessie + WiFi issue that occurred in very rare cases with v6.16 and the above solution is implemented for v6.17.

Also take care, that WiFi password might be an issue with magic chars. Try to use regular letters and numerals only. We are trying to find a good solution currently to support all kind of magic chars as well: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/2087

Hi MIchalng

Yes the command does work…thx