
This can only be done currently in /boot/dietpi.txt, and, must be set on a fresh install, prior to 1st boot:

#Global Password to be applied for the system
#  Affects root login password, and, all software installed by dietpi-software, that requires a password
#  eg: MySQL, Transmission, Deluge etc.
#  WARN: Passwords with the any of the following characters are not supported: \"$
#  WARN: Do NOT change this entry, after 1st run setup of DietPi has been completed. It is always scraped by dietpi-software.


#Optional username for nextcloud admin account, default is admin. Applied during installation.

There is a bug in v140 that causes a failed NextCloud install if using global password above. This is fixed for v141, but v141 is not completed yet, so you’ll need to either wait, or, use the testing branch: DietPi/ at master · Fourdee/DietPi · GitHub