
Good day.
I have done many tests with all my hardware RPi 1 + Rp3 + and XU4.
All my working target is to have a home cloud server, owncloud ,nextcloud.
I have tested with lightpd and apache2.
At final project will work thi apache2.
I haven’t done yet ssl encryption but I will.
There is one question i have.How to i change the default username and password to Nextcloud?
At first login to owncloud it lets you to insert what ever you want,but at nextcloud got to use the default.I dont know how to resolve this issuie.
Till resently i used for the XU4 ubuntu mate 16.04 but the dietpi is far far faster and there is no compare to how easy is to install softwares.
I become big fan of dietpi.
Thank you for your time.

This can only be done currently in /boot/dietpi.txt, and, must be set on a fresh install, prior to 1st boot:

#Global Password to be applied for the system
#  Affects root login password, and, all software installed by dietpi-software, that requires a password
#  eg: MySQL, Transmission, Deluge etc.
#  WARN: Passwords with the any of the following characters are not supported: \"$
#  WARN: Do NOT change this entry, after 1st run setup of DietPi has been completed. It is always scraped by dietpi-software.


#Optional username for nextcloud admin account, default is admin. Applied during installation.

There is a bug in v140 that causes a failed NextCloud install if using global password above. This is fixed for v141, but v141 is not completed yet, so you’ll need to either wait, or, use the testing branch: DietPi/ at master · Fourdee/DietPi · GitHub

Thank you for your answer.
I am in a try stage with my cloud server,cose I haft to get an ssd for the final setup.Till then i try and test.
For now I will let the things as they are.Its not that big problem the nextcloud default username and pass for now.
The only thing i haven’t setup yet is SSL setup for nextcloud.For owncloud works very good.
I was wandering if it is possible in the future to see a dietpi distro for the normal desktop pc or laptops. :wink:

Desktops are available for all RPi and Odroid devices from dietpi-software, see list below:

For desktop from boot. Make sure you say “yes” to autostart options, then select “Desktops”

For SSL, if you are using Apache2 or Lighttpd webserver, CertBot is a great tool to generate free SSL certs, and, have it automatically configured on system:

Hi and happy new year.
When i run dietpi-letsencrypt i got

[Ok] Apache2 webserver detected
/DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-letsencrypt: line 134: ./certbot-auto: No such file or directory

The certbot-auto file is inside the root folder.Where do i must put it?

Finally i did it.The comand i gave and progress went good was " ./certbot-auto "
so now my setup is complet.My home cloud server working with ssl is super fast and stable.
I will redo all from the begining when i will have a ssd disk.
For now i will let it as it is.


Looks like you didn’t install certbot from dietpi-software?

DietPi-LetsEncrypt expects the certbot scripts to be installed in /etc/certbot_scripts. Which is done during install of certbot in dietpi-software:

Good day
I have got a SSD disk.
I have reinstall from scratch the new version 141 to my XU4 with all data saved to the usb hard disk.
Instaled nextcloud, and owncloud with SSl encrypt and works perfect.
This time i have close the XU4 into the cloudshell to avoid me reinstall again and to be more carefuly.
I am very satisfaied by the all setup.
It is very usefull project,very fast,and enought easy to make it,thats to DietPi team.
Thanks. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This can only be done currently in > /boot/dietpi.txt> , and, must be set on a fresh install, prior to 1st boot

Hi, so it’s impossible to change password for admin in nextcloud? If so maybe I will block admin user and add new user to nextcloud with admin privilages?
Regards Przemek

which user you are referring to? The user Admin that is used to access NectCloud WebSite?

This user you can change on NextCloud WebSite themselves. Just login as admin user, go to Setting > Security and change the password.

Hi, thanks for reply. I restart dietpi and now my new password works. Can You tell me it is possible to disable Admin user on nextcloud or change to different name?

Hi basically it’s described in this post at NextCloud

for DietPi the command would be slightly different:

ncc user:delete admin

Attention: This does, what it should, it delete’s the user and all the files for userid “admin” without any questions and confirmations. Ensure you have created another user with admin privileges before.

This delete all files of admin user? So if I add new user with admin privilages I will keep that files or lost them?

It will delete all files, setting aso that belongs to this user. If you don’t like to delete the user, you can disable it as well

ncc user:disable admin

But result might be same. I guess as long as the user is disabled, you maybe not able to access files of this user from WebInterface. Probably something you need to test.

So I will login as dietpi user and with:

sudo ncc user:disable admin

disable user. If something goes wrong I will make:

sudo sudo ncc user:enable admin

? and everything will be OK?

Edit. I go to my /mnt/Toshiba/dietpi_userdata/nextcloud_data and don’t see folder with my new user admin name. I see Admin folder and two regular users but not that new admin user. That means new admin share files and folders with old admin user?

well you can do this as root as well :sunglasses:

I guess if you enable the user, it should be available again. BTW you could just run ncc command. There you will see all available options. As this is all NextCloud specific, it might be good to check as well on NextCloud websites. These guys are more specialist on NextCloud questions as we are on this Board :sunglasses: The only difference is that on DietPi you can use ncc command instead of occ.

For reference

You may want to configure your Nextcloud from command line via occ command: > Nextcloud admin manual
We added a shortcut to the otherwise necessary '> sudo -u www-data php /var/www/nextcloud/occ> ':
Just use '> ncc> ’ followed by the desired command inside your terminal.

OK, when I login as new admin I don’t have any files so I will stay with old one. Thank You very much one more time.
Regards Przemko