nextcloud install / setup issues

used dietpi to add nextcloud

going around in circles trying to get the following working right

1 - secure web access i.e. https instead of http
2 - have data folder outside /var/www - want it in an external usb
3 - can I make a local domain somehow and assign ssl certs to it?

I found instructions here:

which I thought would help fill in the gaps, but when I change the db user to nextcloud it failed to open the page with the following error

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log.

so I have uninstalled in desperation. and will attempt to reinstall with dietpi once more.

can anyone who has successfully done this give me their pointers please


many thanks for your message. Maybe you like to follow this guide to secure your NextCloud installation

thanks but I have already seen that. not exactly my situation. I have a domain registered and I am going to eventually try to redirect A record to my own IP…first time trying that too!

anyhow at the moment I’m not quite there

I think I will refer to this after reinstalling using dietpi:

unfortunately dietpi has not completely uninstalled - I see there’s still nextcloud data/folders so I think I need to uninstall apache

I am still confused TBH about the relationship between apache and nextcloud - does nextcloud run as part of apache or seperate entity


pls don’t follow the NextCloud installation guide. Use dietpi-software to get NextCloud setup. This will ensure correct configuration to fit into DietPi environment.

Once NextCloud is running, ensure correct port forwarding on your internet router of port 80/443 TCP

To be able to get a SSL certificate, you would need to have your domain setup this way to be able to point to your internet router WAN IP.

I am still confused TBH about the relationship between apache and nextcloud - does nextcloud run as part of apache or seperate entity

NextCloud is a web application that require a web server to be able to run. On DietPi you can select between Apache2, Nginx or Lighttpd. Web Development Software Options - Docs