I am setting up my Rock64 using Dietpi as my music box and attached to a bluetooth speaker via usb bluetooth dongle
I successfully install the mpd, o!mpd, shairport-sync by dietpi-software.
then I setup the pulseaduio (run in system-wide mode) and attached to the bluetooth speaker with this guide
The mplayer work well with the bluetooth speaker
While work with mpd and configure it with pulseaudio, I got the error:
Feb 21 22:32 : exception: Failed to configure output in line 91
Feb 21 22:32 : exception: nested: No such audio output plugin: pulse
It seems mpd don’t know pulse, further check mpd --version
$ mpd --version
Music Player Daemon 0.20.23Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Warren Dukes <> warren.dukes@gmail.com> >
Copyright 2008-2017 Max Kellermann <> max.kellermann@gmail.com> >
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
warranty; not even MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Database plugins:
simple proxy upnpStorage plugins:
local smbclient nfs curl
…Output plugins:
shout null fifo pipe alsa httpd recorder
Other features:
avahi epoll icu inotify systemd tcp un
It seems mpd compiled without the library libpulse-dev or didn’t configure for it.
For shairport-sync. it didn’t report anything funny; however, the bluetooth speaker has no sound, I wonder both may have the same problem → missing of not config/compile for pulseaudio
I would like to know if anyone have successful experience on setup bluetooth speaker with pulseaudio and mpd/shairport-sync?
This will be perfect if I can confirm the mpd, shairport-sync is supporting pulseaudio
PS, I did attempted to work with bluealsa by follow this guide. Luckily, the setup is done successfully, however, some sound coming from the speaker, but very bad quality and made the attempt fail.
Thanks for any help