Kavita reader fresh install does not work (JSON bug)

I installed Kavita Reader on a Dietpi 8.15. The first time I launched it, everything went fine. Then after the first reboot, it is impossible to launch it.
I get the result shown in image 1.
Then when I dig into the source code, I see that everything is in a Nextcloud directory that I did not install. Like image 2.
I’m using LXQT and I’ve programmed Autostart Kavita so that it launches on every boot. I think that’s where it comes from.
The programmers saw a buggy JSON, but when I check it everything is valid. They asked me to clear the Token, which I did, and restart, which I did, but it doesn’t work.
I think it’s all from the LXQT autostart. The problem is that when I remove the autostart and run it manually, the bug persists.
What do I have to unblock to reactivate Kavita?

Thank you for your help.
Good day to all.

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J’ai trouvé la solution. Le problème vient de l’autostart de LXQT. Une fois que j’ai désactivé cette entrée tout revient à la normale.
Seulement il faut que je lance le serveur à la main. Je ne peux pas automatiser la tâche.
Il faut que je trouve le moyen de transformer l’executable “Kavita” en “Kavita.sh” pour pouvoir le lancer avec /etc/profile ou /~/.bashrc

I found the solution. The problem comes from the LXQT autostart. Once I deactivate this entry everything returns to normal.
Only I have to start the server manually. I can’t automate the task.
I have to find a way to transform the “Kavita” executable into “Kavita.sh” to be able to launch it with /etc/profile or /~/.bashrc