Help needed setting up Codec Zero

@MichaIng I’ve booted the Pi with DietPi now. I ran the alsa store command and that worked without any errors. I added the corresponding alsa restore command to system boot (using dietpi-software settings). I rebooted. Here is what I have now:

# aplay -L
    Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)
    RPi Codec Zero, Raspberry Pi Codec Zero HiFi da7213-hifi-0
    Direct hardware device without any conversions
    RPi Codec Zero, Raspberry Pi Codec Zero HiFi da7213-hifi-0
    Hardware device with all software conversions
    RPi Codec Zero, Raspberry Pi Codec Zero HiFi da7213-hifi-0
    Default Audio Device
    RPi Codec Zero, Raspberry Pi Codec Zero HiFi da7213-hifi-0
    Direct sample mixing device


# cat /etc/asound.conf 
pcm.!default {
	type hw
	card 0
	device 0

ctl.!default {
	type hw
	card 0

However, I still cannot play a .wav file:

# aplay A.wav 
Playing WAVE 'A.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
aplay: pcm_write:2058: write error: Input/output error