Ethernet not working in the new version of Orange Pi 3B

Thanks friend, I did it here and if I restart it it doesn’t come back, I’ve done it more than once and now I removed the SSD leaving only the card, I’m going to put the SSD in to see if mine and V1.1 will boot and yours is the same


Returning with the SSD after having updated the SPi with the sdcard, the board remains the same, orange and red LEDs lit continuously, and without initializing the system which has a blue LED here, now we have to wait for them to be able to correct this so we can return using the card, reinforcing that mine is V1.1, before this update to 9.8 that I did remotely yesterday for the first time, I had been using it since April without many problems, thank you for your help.


Excuse me, on sd card do you have dietpi 9.7.1?

I have the latest image available for download, I downloaded it today in 9.7.1, but with the ehter connected it updates itself to 9.8, any suggestions!

The solution will be to reinstall offline and not upgrade to 9.8 for now.

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Well, the system also doesn’t finish the installation without a valid connection, as I thought about installing in “offline” mode, now literally without being able to use the card.


I make a test, Ctrl C stop update process

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It’s a possibility, but I don’t think it will work, I’ll test it for the 10th time and let you know here, and the “spi” only updates via the “SD” in the “NVME” nothing happens, that’s quite strange.


Thanks friend, the “crtl c” worked, now don’t update to version 9.8 until someone else comments on the problem.


@MichaIng I updated and restarted with new version in my board version 1.1, everything worked great until… I just shutdown.

Then, after I power on the board, there was no kernel loaded. In my boot env file was missing my custom line:


then I added:


Great, it boots! But not with my NVME Sata board. I had to add the missing file “rk3566-orangepi-3b-sata.dtb” to the folder since there’s no sata dtb to Orangepi anymore.

Could you please add the sata dtb files as well?


It would also be nice to be able to have a MAC: static on the ethernet interface, because on the V 1.1 board only the Wifi has the MAC: static, thank you!


Legend :+1:, this did the trick for me, although I’m using the NVME, got it working by just adding:


I’m on v2.1 by the way, with RTC, NVME, and a custom 1.25mm fan connected via the header. Need to optimize the fan curve though, it keeps on running all the time.

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I have a dirty workaround for it.

Edit the file:


Add a line with a mac:

hwaddress ether AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

In my case is something like:

# Ethernet
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
hwaddress ether 02:03:46:C1:5F:E6

And that’s it.

yes this is a possible workaround. Keep in mind not to use dietpi-config network options, as this might overwrite /etc/network/interfaces again

Thanks friend, I’ll try it at home later!

Thanks friend, I’ll try too, but would it be possible to implement this MAC correction in software: on ether, and now also the initialization error that I and others are reporting here.

Sorry for my English because it’s via translator.