FWIW, result of cat /var/log/boottime is currently 33.6 sec and, yes, I do want to reduce overall boot time, but its much more than just that…
I also want to eliminate unneeded CPU cycles (power consumption) and complexity (which is inversely related to reliability) of having unnecessary services running. Also, the output of the standard DietPi boot scripts is cluttering the stdio when I am trying to see messages from my main application, which is being launched as a service right after the file system is ready see: https://dietpi.com/forum/t/fast-boot-to-python-script-without-networking/1167/1
Networking is already disabled during boot.
Even if not officially supported, how would I disable dietpi-boot and the other scripts it runs? Although many of the DietPi features are great on my development platform, I really don’t want or need any DietPi scripts going when I deploy the device. Just a tightly-wound minimal OS.