DietPi installation stats, which device is popular?

Excellent thread…!!!

Nice thread! Found out so many new useful things. Finally moved into my property in Greece and had free time to read this forum. Some things said here are amazing, learned a lot of new stuff.

What i would like to know is the number of active unique DietPi Installations regardless of Device and Installtion Period.
mx player apk

That is the number you see right at the top:
Currently: Total system count 163202
But that this is not correct, more an idea, as systems which are not used anymore but sent data once since the beginning of the year, are inside, and systems which have not been updated or installed software before the beginning of the year, are not inside anymore.

I was thinking to add an optional monthly upload so that we can remove old files on a monthly bases and by this have more accurate data.

Are these numbers even if you opt-out during installation?

For the record, I have 3 4Bs running DietPi for an educational project pilot.

An empty file is uploaded when you are opted out, to overwrite previous data. So the overall count includes them, but no data about the system.

Yay now we are two h3 and h6!

NanoPi NEO3 1GB devices - DietPi v. 8.2.2 - CLI only
“naked” with small (1x1) radiator & fan (12V on 5V GPIO so running slow but quiet) - 21-23 processes incl. PiHole + Unbound and Virtualhere + OpenSSH - temperatures usually - 50-56C
“enclosure” (original white plastic box) - 11 processes - just system with OpenSSH - HOT - usually just below 60C, common 65C

OpenSSH - have to change from Dropbear otherwise could not log with auth keys, some problems to copy keys from local devices. No problems with OpenSSH

OpenSSH - have to change from Dropbear otherwise could not log with auth keys

I don’t have issues using SSH key auth on Dropbear.

In any case, please create a new topic for your issue instead of posting here, which is completely unrelated :wink:.