Developing for DietPi

Hey Michalng,

Thanks for picking this up.
I am developing with the Monogame framework. I can’t say I had much brush with Linux, but this framework I am using promises that it can build for that. My worry is in “flavor”. I researched since yesterday and found out that if you install monogame on a linux platform you could simply run the .exe with ‘mono YourProject.exe’ if you install the monogame prior. I am still working on figuring things out there. There’s no notion of Debian in monogame, at least none that I could find so far. But I am confident I can eventually click with your OS.
I don’t know how much about how monogame accesses the GPU, but I figure it should be openGL since it’s cross platform. I’ve started taking some steps to test how I can interface. Will get back on this.
Again, thanks a lot for your reply, It’s useful!