Curl: (28) Resolving timed out after 3000 milliseconds

I tried to reinstall and it failed.

#### Details:
- Date           | Mon Mar 20 19:22:49 EDT 2023
- Bug report     | 6cd8ccdf-f155-47c0-9332-8a40545c6b53
- DietPi version | v8.15.2 (MichaIng/master)
- Image creator  | DietPi Core Team
- Pre-image      | from scratch
- Hardware       | Virtual Machine (x86_64) (ID=20)
- Kernel version | `Linux FuzzPi-VM 5.10.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.162-1 (2023-01-21) x86_64 GNU/Linux`
- Distro         | bullseye (ID=6)
- Command        | `systemctl restart unbound`
- Exit code      | 1
- Software title | DietPi-Software
#### Steps to reproduce:
<!-- Explain how to reproduce the issue -->
1. ...
2. ...
#### Expected behaviour:
<!-- What SHOULD happen? -->
- ...
#### Actual behaviour:
<!-- What IS happening? -->
- ...
#### Extra details:
<!-- Please post any extra details that might help solve the issue -->
- ...
#### Additional logs:

I uninstalled and resinstalled with no issue. Then got the same errors as above.