Cloudshell on Odroid XU4 feature request

Really like the Cloudshell utility that displays system stats - can I request a feature to be added to switch off the display and back on at predefined times?

Another question - I have a SATA HD in the cloudshell but the DietPi Cloudshell utility does not report that there is any USB storage installed?

If I plug in a USB flash drive - same.

Thanks for any help.

Hi John,

Regarding the USB drive:
DietPi-Cloudshell expects your USB drive to be mounted to /mnt/usb_1. /mnt/usb_1 is the location where DietPi dedicated USB drive would be mounted to. If you did not set this up when you 1st installed DietPi, you can either:

Use the DietPi setup tool to mount an existing drive to /mnt/usb_1


Follow the onscreen instructions, say N to formatting. Drive will then be mounted to /mnt/usb_1. Remove any /etc/fstab entries for the current drive, before running this.

Choose another mount point for DietPi-Cloudshell to use:
Edit /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-cloudshell and change the 3rd line to your current mount location, eg:


. Restart dietpi-cloudshell for the changes to take effect

Really like the Cloudshell utility that displays system stats - can I request a feature to be added to switch off the display and back on at predefined times?

Yep, great idea, i’ll take a look.

I’ve created a Git Ticket for this request, you can track the progress here:

Thanks - got the USB drive reconfigured and it shows in the stats.

Thanks also for looking into switching the screen off - I’m sure many people have this device in their bedrooms and would appreciate this.

No worries, will see what I can do.

My XU4 + Cloudshell is in the kitchen, no idea why, most likely because its close to the kettle + coffee lol. Watch stats while you wait for morning coffee :slight_smile:

Thanks for looking into this - another useful feature would be to be able to turn the screen off and on from the command line.

Hi John,

From what I remember when working on dietpi-cloudshell, I dont believe this is possible, unless the command is used on the main screen.
However, i’ve made a note on the ticket to see if I can find a way to make this work.

Just saw you’d finished it thanks - I’ll try it when I get tomorrow.

Hi John,

Although its completed, it wont be available until v120 is released. I’am aiming to release v120 this weekend.

If you want to test the new feature, you’ll need to switch to the testing branch. As this is potentially unstable, i’d recommend doing this on a fresh installation using a different EMMC/SD card: DietPi/ at master · Fourdee/DietPi · GitHub

Just tried this out buy using this link I found in the Github thread - I’m still on v119.

wget -O /DietPi/dietpi/dietpi-cloudshell

This gives dietpi-cloudshell v6.

It gives a message:

Screen will be powered down in under 1 minute.

setterm: terminal xterm does not support --blank

setterm cannot (un)set powersave mode: input output error.

Maybe it relies on something else that is to be in v120?

Hi John,

I think you may also require this updated script:

wget -O /DietPi/dietpi/login

The new powersaving feature will only work when DietPi-Cloudshell has been launched during boot. This is because we can only change the powersaving display features on the screen we originate from. Basically means we cant turn on/off the display if the program was launched over SSH. I pretty much exhausted all available options to try and prevent this:

Lets set autostart for dietpi-cloudshell, run the following command and then select dietpi-cloudshell from the list:


Reboot system. If you start or stop DietPi-Cloudshell at any point via the control panel, it will not be able to control the display. So after you have changed and applied any settings, please ensure you reboot.

I know, not an ideal solution, but its the only method that works at the moment.

Hi Fourdee,

I’ve installed that script, set Cloudshell to autoboot (was before anyhow) and switch off in an hour (just missed 7 am) and I’ll post here what the result is. In the meantime I have found another possible bug - I have a few NFS shares on a QNAP that are mounted on the XU4. The QNAP powers of at 11:30 pm. From then on the Cloudshell screen sticks with a message about shares not being available. When the QNAP comes on in the morning the Cloudshell screen starts to rotate again.

Thanks for you work on this, John

Hi John,

Where are the mount points for your QNAP shares? (eg: /mnt/samba).

Its also worth noting, when in powersaving mode, DietPi-Cloudshell will not update the scenes, to save wasteful processing :slight_smile:

I’ve installed that script, set Cloudshell to autoboot (was before anyhow) and switch off in an hour (just missed 7 am) and I’ll post here what the result is.

If you want to test:
You can set the hour to the current hour, save changes. Once rebooted, DietPi-Cloudshell will then match the current hour and power screen off straight away.

I have my XU4 set to 10pm off and 8am on. Really handy to have and saves us a few pence on electric :smiley:

Let me know how you get on with your test. If theres any issues, we’ll sort it :slight_smile:

The NFS shares are for example in /mnt/Multimedia and several similar ones.

Just gone 8 am and the screen didn’t go off - I have to go to work, I’ll test it later today.

Hi Fourdee,

Working nicely thanks for adding this feature.


Excellent, thanks for letting me know :slight_smile:


I forgot to mention.
As DietPi v120 is now released, if you run dietpi-update, it will overwrite your dietpi-cloudshell start/stop times as it doesn’t expect those values to exist yet.

You can either:

  • Open DietPi-Cloudshell and renable the powersaving option, then set your times up again.


  • copy and paste into terminal (Start powersaving at 10pm, stop at 8am):
    7s = line number
    /22/ = desired value (22:00 hours)
sed -i '7s/.*/1/' /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-cloudshell #Enabled?
sed -i '8s/.*/22/' /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-cloudshell #Start time (hour)
sed -i '9s/.*/8/' /DietPi/dietpi/.dietpi-cloudshell #End time (hour)

Make sure to reboot the system after doing the above, to ensure the powersaving feature can function.

Hi Fourdee,

One observation I have made this morning is that the Cloudshell screen still sticks on a screen with an error message if the the NFS shares are not available - still happening. Not a huge problem, the QNAP holding the shares powers down at about the same time as the Cloudshell screen and powers up again a bit after the Cloudshell screen in the morning, which is how I caught this today. Once the QNAP is fully booted the Cloudshell screen starts to rotate again.


Hi John,

I’ve created a Git ticket for this issue. You can track the progress here: I’ll try and take a look tomorrow.