I thought about going to sonarr reddit with this but I thought i’d start here as it was a dietpi change I made that seemed to cause this. Any help is VERY appreciated.
So I changed my logging “Dietpi-Ramlog #1”, to #2 the intent was to be able to refer to older log files as I was having some unexpected lock ups (Server unresponsive to pings remotely) After hard resetting I never seemed to have any log files to refer to.
- DietPi-RAMlog #1 (Max performance): Mounts /var/log to RAM, reducing │
│ filesystem IO. Logfiles are cleared every hour. Does NOT save logfiles to │
│ disk.
│ - DietPi-RAMlog #2: Same as #1, with the added feature of saving logfile │
│ contents to disk (/root/logfile_storage/*), before being cleared.
I did this, it succeeded, required reboot.
After reboot the Sonarr service will not load. Coincidentally neither will Lidarr or Radarr services.
When I look this is the message I get when it attempts to start:
sonarr.service - Sonarr Daemon (DietPi)
│ Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/sonarr.service; disabled; vendor
│ preset: enabled)
│ Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2020-10-10 12:25:29 PDT; 7s
│ ago
│ Process: 1946 ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono -O=-aot /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe
│ -nobrowser -data=/mnt/dietpi_userdata/sonarr (code=exited,
│ status=226/NAMESPACE)
│ Main PID: 1946 (code=exited, status=226/NAMESPACE)
I have no idea what this status means.
Do any DietPi guru’s have any idea what might be borked here based on this, or what status=226/NAMESPACE means?
Appreciate any assistance. I’m still pretty novice to the whole thing.
I would like to avoid a full reinstall of Sonarr/Lidarr/Radarr as I just got them configured to my liking. (no backups, which I should remedy soon)
I went to /mnt/dietpi_userdata/sonarr and noticed:
Saw the exclamations next to the symbolic links and took a look at the properties of “logs” and see the target is /var/log/sonarr.
I don’t know what a symbolic link is but I’m guessing these are like shortcuts and the exclamation indicates a problem? So I have looked at /var/log/
there is no /sonarr or /lidarr or /radarr.
Pretty sure those were there before the log file change I made, but I could be wrong!
Are these missing directories the problem do you think? Does changing the logging delete /var/log/ subdirectories that aren’t DietPi related?
Thanks for your help!