Backing up my SD - Windows partition not working

Yeah I mean the part you can read in Windows, it’s around 128MB and contains config.txt, overlays folder etc, it opens the folder when I plug in the card but then quickly closes and says not accessible and even though I can still see the other partition mounted when I try to back it up I get an error about the location or handler not found.

On the odd occasion when this partition is still present I can start backing up the SD but after a while it gets disconnected and I get a CRC error.

I’ve just turned the Pi back on and tried that:

root@DietPi:~# journalctl -t systemd-fsck
-- Journal begins at Fri 2023-04-07 12:16:11 BST, ends at Fri 2023-04-07 12:24:15 BST. --
Apr 07 12:16:11 DietPi systemd-fsck[142]: Please pass 'fsck.mode=force' on the kernel command line rather than creating /forcefsck on the root file system.
Apr 07 12:16:11 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: e2fsck 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021)
Apr 07 12:16:11 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Apr 07 12:16:14 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Apr 07 12:16:18 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Apr 07 12:16:18 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Apr 07 12:16:19 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Apr 07 12:16:20 DietPi systemd-fsck[157]: /dev/mmcblk0p2: 66179/7768320 files (1.5% non-contiguous), 28739314/31183360 blocks
Apr 07 12:16:21 DietPi systemd-fsck[229]: Please pass 'fsck.mode=force' on the kernel command line rather than creating /forcefsck on the root file system.
Apr 07 12:16:21 DietPi systemd-fsck[259]: fsck.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
Apr 07 12:16:21 DietPi systemd-fsck[259]: /dev/mmcblk0p1: 376 files, 65138/258077 clusters