I have a Pi that is hosting Deluge, Sonarr, Jackett, Radarr. When I do a reboot. Sonarr and Radarr do not see Deluge until I open Deluge and login and refresh the connections in Sonarr and Radarr.
Any ideas on why and if there is something I can do in the timing of the start of the applications in the reboot?
Ok, I have isolated that everything starts up fine. Sonarrr and Radarr will not connect to Deluge until I open the Deluge web interface and connect the daemon. Once I do this everything works fine. How can I go about starting the getting deluge to connect to the daemon at boot?
look in /mnt/dietpi_userdata/deluge/.config/deluge/hostlist.conf for the ID of your host. It’s the line above “”,
set the “default_daemon”: in web.conf. This file is located at /mnt/dietpi_userdata/deluge/.config/deluge/web.conf.
“default_daemon”: “12359d5a5b4144159caa13_EXAMPLE_2f6e09b240c7abcd”,
I think so or at least ask for the choice during installation. It is a vague step that haunts the back of the brain if you only re-build occasionally. I also can not think of a reason you would not want set up this way?
Nasty that Sonarr and Radarr use the Deluge web interface for connecting to Deluge instead connecting to the backend server directly. Makes sense, when you connect to the web UI, you have to select the local backend and hit “connect” once.
Makes sense that we setup this to work OOTB, so that the web UI is connecting to the locally running backend directly, so also one less step when accessing the web interface.