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Release Notes

August 2021 (version 7.5)


Welcome to August 2021 release of DietPi. This release had a focus on polishing support for the latest release of the Debian OS.

Debian 11 Bullseye logo

Debian 11 (code name Bullseye)

The new version Debian 11, code name Bullseye, was released on August 14th, 2021. Every Debian release is a big deal, with support coming from its large user community. Debian is also the core operating system for other Linux distributions such as Canonical’s Ubuntu, DietPi, Raspberry Pi OS or Armbian.

DietPi images for Raspberry Pi (based on Debian 11 release) and native PCs are already available for download. All other DietPi images will be migrated to Bullseye soon. Read our blog post about what benefits Bullseye brings and how to upgrade your system:

New software title

  • Java JRE The OpenJDK JRE (Java Runtime Environment) has been made available as dedicated software option. Now available to install using dietpi-software or directly using the software ID 196.

DietPi Tools (new / notable updates)

  • DietPi-Globals A new global function G_GET_WAN_IP has been added to print the public IP and location info. This function is now used by DietPi-Banner and DietPi-VPN to show the public IP. It makes use of the public API at, which may also be used by malware, like all public APIs, and may hence be present in public blocklists. The function checks, whether this is the case, via curl’s exit code, and in case prints a meaningful error message. Many thanks to @cocoflan for reporting the a related case: MichaIng/DietPi#4445
  • DietPi-FirstBoot On our x86_64 BIOS images, the GRUB bootloader is configured to install itself on upgrade to the /dev/sda drive, which is the most commonly used system drive path and there is no way to configure a unique identifier that is assured to match the later actual system drive. When GRUB is upgraded, and the configured drive path does not exist, or GRUB has doubts that it is the correct system drive, the upgrade will fail. If GRUB installs itself to the wrong drive, the actually booted GRUB version won’t match the GRUB files on the root filesystem, which can make the system unbootable. To enhance the situation, on first boot, DietPi detects the apparent system drive and changes the GRUB configuration accordingly. This will work on all our images, but note that on custom images it might be wrong: Generally it is possible to have the bootloader installed on one drive, but the root filesystem stored on a different physical drive, and we have no possibility to reliable detect this case. Many thanks to @brianbloom for reporting the issue: MichaIng/DietPi#4542
  • DietPi-Software | Java This install option has now been split into the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) and the JDK (Java Development Kit). Our Java-written software options require only JRE installation. By making this selection, we save over 200 Mb of additional JDK-related disk space. For developers, the JDK install option remains available, with the same software ID.
  • DietPi-Software | Cuberite Re-applied the official binary on ARMv6 systems (Raspberry Pi 1 and Zero). Since those did not support ARMv6 in the past, we installed an old self-hosted binary, but now the latest official one can be used. Many thanks to @tigerw for letting us know about the change:
  • DietPi-Software | Lidarr Where supported (on all platforms but Raspberry Pi 1/Zero), the .NET core build build is now installed, which makes the dedicated Mono runtime obsolete and should generally perform better. This migration is applied automatically during the DietPi update, your settings and data remain untouched. Many thanks for informing us about this possible enhancement: MichaIng/DietPi#4607
  • DietPi-Software | PaperMC Since Minecraft 1.17 requires Java 16 or newer, it does not work anymore on Debian versions below Bullseye and not on ARMv6, with the Java builds we ship, and has hence been disabled for those systems. AdoptOpenJDK is currently in the process of creating a new APT repository, after which we can migrate to re-enable support older Debian versions. On ARMv6 however I most likely won’t work and the newest found Java build above version 8, running on ARMv6, is a single Zulu Java 11 build.

Bug Fixes

As always, many smaller code performance and stability improvements, visual and spelling fixes have been done, too much to list all of them here. Check out all code changes of this release on GitHub: MichaIng/DietPi!4668