At this page, links to general information are referenced.
Links to special software packages are located at the end of the according software package description in the Optimised Software documentation area.
General links¶
- Twitter:
- Facebook:
- Blog:
General articles¶
- Raspberry Pi Foundation: DietPi | Minimal image, highly extensible
- Hardkernel ODROID: [OS] DietPi | Minimal image, highly extensible
- PC-WELT (German language): Diet Pi ist erste Wahl für Headlessplatinen
- Raspberry Pi GEEK (German language): Schlankes Raspbian-Derivat DietPi
Onkel Jordi
(German language): DietPi: Klein, schlank und schnell (2019)DMW007
(German language): DietPi – Das bessere Rapsberry Pi OS? DietPi Betriebssystem vorgestellt: DietPi vs. Raspberry Pi OS
General videos¶
- Dietpi Raspberry Pi 4 First Look
- The BEST Operating System for Raspberry Pi 4
- DietPi Install Guide - Create a Raspberry Pi Server in Minutes, Apache, Node-Red. MQTT, OctoPrint
- German tutorial videos can be found in the YouTube channel LOGIN TechBlog