Contribute to DietPi

Contributions are always welcome, no matter how small or large. You can do this in many ways and this page provides everything you need to get started!

Grow in the future

We are asking you to help the DietPi project. DietPi is an open-source product and it is free to use. We are sustained by donations and even a small one (as little as the price of a cup of coffee) would help the things move forward, covering the costs for hardware (new boards, micro SD cards etc.), web hosting and future development.

This allows us to continue working on DietPi, make it better with every new update.


In the last years we made many releases to bring improvements, changes and bug fixes (nearly monthly releases). We provided new software titles, support new SBCs and brought many optimisations. There are over 120000 systems running DietPi.
Enable us to grow also in the future!

Why contribute to DietPi as an open-source project?

You can improve the software you rely on. It's empowering to be able to make changes, even small ones: whether it's coding, documentation, testing, web design. If you're looking to help, there's something for you on here!

Create a new bug report / Report a security issue

Creating a bug report helps us to improve. Providing required info, steps to replicate, and expected vs. actual behaviour you give us valuable info to understand the problem.

Create now a GitHub issue.

Security is on top of our list. Please report any security vulnerability shipped with our images or created by our scripts (in /boot/dietpi/). For more details check our Security Policy guide.

Bug report

Investigate issues / Provide help

Many times the DietPi project needs help on existent items:

  • Run an investigation (e.g. an installation issue on specific software title)
  • Provide a workaround to an existent issue
  • Give help when testing is required
  • Give your opinion on discussions in the issue tracker. It's a good opportunity to influence the future direction of DietPi.

Sometimes issues are created with missing information, or we are not able to replicate, or plain invalid.
Help make them easier to resolve. Handling issues takes a lot of time that we could rather spend on fixing bugs and adding features.

Browse DietPi issues on GitHub or DietPi documentation tasks on GitHub.


Answer questions / Provide insights

Start a discussion, ask and answer questions. There are many questions on the DietPi GitHub repository and on our forum for which you may have already the answers, or you could provide valuable insights.

Browse DietPi issues on GitHub or browse different conversation topics on the DietPi community forum and find the ones that interest you the most.


Test configurations

DietPi supports multiple SBCs or PC / VM configurations. Very similar with investigating the issues, but specific to hardware, we need your help to run tests and specific installations for certain SBC models or PCs

It is often the need to check a new installation on a new SBC model, or maybe verify DietPi in connection with a specific driver. Doing such installation provides a big help to the overall project.


  • A driver installation for a specific SBC
  • Testing a performance tweak.

Browse Help wanted! or Testing required in DietPi issues on GitHub.


Improve DietPi website

Web development is a dynamic and challenging field. Someone with skills in graphics and web design could provide a help to the overall online presence of this open-source project.

Have you seen something on the website which could be improved? Do you have web design skills and you would like to help?

We welcome your help to further expand the website. Please check on How to Contribute on DietPi-Website project.

Improve website

Expand DietPi Docs

This is an ever growing topic. Please join us to update documentation, bringing more examples and details, making the project easy to use and access.

Please check How to Contribute on DietPi-Docs project.

Improve docs

New feature suggestions & Software titles

Do you like the project and you would like to see new software titles or new configuration features?

Please add your request and ideas using this GitHub form*.
* To be able to do it you would need to be logged in with your GitHub account.

To get an overview how to add a new software title, see How to add a new software title.


Extend DietPi

Would you like to fix a bug or help extending the DietPi project?

You can use issue labels to discover issues you could help out with. Either for a specific hardware model: RPi4, ROCK64, ROCK PI S, Odroid C1, Odroid N1 etc. or Debian distribution.

You may find an issue is assigned. Please double-check before starting on this issue because somebody else is likely already working on it. Once you find an issue you'd like to work on leave a comment so others are aware. We'll then assign that issue to you.

When you're ready to get feedback on your work, open a draft pull request.

Please find here more details on contributing code.

Have fun!


Use DietPi Forum

Discuss with community.

  • First time user, and you need help? No problem!
  • Do you have a question? Search for answers or create a new topic. One of the community members will help you

Connect now to our community forum.


Write about DietPi

Sometimes the easiest way to help, it is to share experience. It helps a lot to write about DietPi project, tell others about it.
We embed relevant blog posts and YouTube links in the documentation. There is also a dedicated Reference page

Of course, you are invited to write blog posts in our DietPi Blog.
As an option, you might only generate the text and graphics, supply photos and our DietPi team does the editorial work in the Blog post.

Help spread the word about DietPi project!


Social media

This could be as simple as a Twitter Like, or re-share a conversation, article, feature via a Retweet. Or maybe adding a link to a Facebook post, or a Reddit reference.

In an age where communication is the key, these social references help DietPi project!
